HomeBank User manual

Categories dialog

The categories dialog is used to add, edit and manage the categories of the current wallet.

Dialog call

Using categories dialog

View buttons

Show hidden Toggle show/hide of hidden categories
Show usage Toggle show/hide usage columns
Type switcher Toggle the category list with Expense/Income categories only

Quick search

A quick search text filter. You can use CTRL+F to activate and ESC to clear.

Menu Button

Import CSV Import and merge some categories from a CSV file
Export CSV export the entire categories list into a CSV file
Delete unused delete all unused category

Please refer to CSV file format for the file description.

Categories list

display category name and usage count (# column)
the count in parenthesis is the usage of the sole category, when it has some subcategories
the usage count:

To edit a category, double click on it.

Action buttons

Add toggle the category name widget visible/invisible
Delete delete the selected branch or categories, i.e. if a category is selected, all subcategories will be deleted
Edit edit the active category.
Move/Merge move or merge the current category to a new one you will select
Hide/Show toggle the active category to be visible or not into drop-down lists

Category name

type a new category name here and press return to add.

Subcategory name

- select the category to add subcategory to in the category list
- type a new subcategory name here and press return to add.