HomeBank User manual

Transaction dialog

The transaction dialog is used to add, edit and manage the transactions.
Please refer to the Tips & Tricks for additional information.

Dialog call

Using transaction dialog

Type of transaction

the type of the transaction, between: Expense / Income / Transfer.
Transfer is the internal transfer of <v5.3.

Use a template

Select a source template definition to fill in the transaction dialog fields.
Starting 5.5.5, the list display the 'memo' field if it is not empty, otherwise it display '(no memo) payee / category'.

Transaction details

Date date of the transaction
- the input and display is based on your locale, so the order can be dmy / mdy / ymd, the display uses (strftime %x).
- you can input: day, day/month or month/day (depending your locale) without year, or a complete date, with 2 or 4 digits for the year.
- if you input a bad date, the date will be reversed to today's date and the input switched to warning (orange border in Adwaita, may be different for other themes)

 you can use keys combination to change the date.
 the right side button pop-up a full calendar

Amount amount of the transaction
use the top Expense/Income to change the sign
(xfer Amount) this second amount is only showed for xfer with account with different currencies
this will the transfer amount in destination account currency
this amount is prefilled only when you Add and if:
- the source account is into base currency
- the target currency have a conversion rate
otherwise you have to fill it manually
(xfer From/To)
account the transaction should be attached to, and from/to for transfer.
Payment payment mode for the transaction. It will be displayed as small icons. See the lexicon for payment detail
Book 2 displayed when payment is cheque: select the 2nd cheque notebook
Number (Payment) Payment mode direct related information, date, card id, person, cheque number, etc. see the lexicon for detail
Payee payee of the transaction, see payee definition for further details.

 Entering a new payee here will create it.

Category category of the transaction, see category definition for further details.

 Entering a new category here will create it. Example: 'Wage:Salary'.
the list is sorted by type and then alphabetically, if amount is expense, expense category will be at top, if it is credit, credit category will be on top.

Status The different status a transaction can have:
Memo memo of transaction.
and optionally vehicle cost data, see vehicle cost.
Tags tags of the transaction, see tag definition for further details.

Action button area

The transaction dialog enables to input several transaction to the chain. Both [Add & Keep] and [Add] button will add a transaction. Then, the behaviour to input a next one, depends on the button you click and the preference you have set:

Add date will be set, according to the Keep the last date preference:
- ON:  date is KEPT
- OFF: date is TODAY
All other fields/data are CLEARED
Add & Keep All the fields/data remains after the transaction is added
Close Close the dialog and do nothing else