An additional capability of HomeBank is to follow the cost of each of your vehicles: fuel consumption and other costs. It will for example display some cost globally and for 100 km/miles, and some other useful information.
Create some categories for each of your vehicle. You can use categories or subcategories as well. Optionally you can set the default vehicle for the vehicle-cost report window from the wallet dialog.
For example, create an 'Audi 80' category:
Modify or add some transaction with necessary data for the vehicle cost to work:
d=xxxxxx | the odometer at refuel time ex.: d=92458 |
v=xx.xx | the fuel volume for a full refuel ex.: v=45.23 |
v~xx.xx | the fuel volume for a partial refuel ex.: v~15.41 |
Open the vehicle cost report, select 'Audi 80' Vehicle and view the results.