The menu is the start of every actions on transactions.
Depending on context (Show all transactions), some menu may not appear.
Export QIF... | export transaction to a QIF file |
Export CSV... | export transaction to a CSV file, see CSV file format |
Print... | export transaction to a PDF file (for print purpose) |
Browse website... | if you have filled the website url for your account, open browser to its website |
Close... | close the account window |
Copy | copy the selected transaction to the buffer |
Paste | paste the buffer into the transaction list |
Paste (today) | paste the buffer into the transaction list changing the date to today's |
Add... | open the transaction dialog in Add mode |
Inherit... | open the transaction dialog pre-fill it with the selected transaction |
Edit... | open the transaction dialog in Edit mode |
Status > None | change the status to none => confirmation will be asked if already Reconciled |
Status > Cleared | toggle cleared state if possible => confirmation will be asked if already Reconciled |
Status > Reconciled | toggle reconciled state if possible => confirmation will be asked if already Reconciled |
Multiple Edit | edit multiple transaction value at once, see multi-edit dialog |
Create assignment... | create a prefilled assignment from the selected transaction(s), to be edited later into the assignment dialog |
Create template... | create a template from the selected transaction(s), to be edited later into the template/scheduled dialog |
Delete... | delete the selected transaction(s) |
Find | find transaction by giving focus to the quick-search widget |
Mark duplicate | toggle the view to duplicate finder mode |
Check internal transfer... | run a consistency check on internal transfer for this account |
Auto. assignments | run automatic assignment rules on the current account |
Filter... | open the filter dialog |
Convert to euro... | After a confirmation, this will convert the account to euro major currency according the preferences currency set |